Math Round 2

So for this round in our math class, we’ve focused a lot in Khan Academy which we use them to learn the news subject. The new subject that we have learned are Transformation, Congruence, Similarity, Rights Triangle & Trigonometry and we also started to learn about Unit Circle but haven’t go in depth into it yet. Using Khan Academy it a unique way of learning which we can learn from watching the video or from the step that it shows how to do it. Also, it was an assignment which we need to get a level five on the subject in Khan Academy to get 20 points for the Activities. At the end of this round, we have a test which includes all the subject that we have learned this round and it a very interesting way to learn by digital.


Writing story to educate peer- Traveling Theater

For this exploration, we will go down to many provinces and perform educational movie to them.  So for this round, we start to write the story which we are going to act for villager in the province.  So for my team, we wrote a story about peer which they’re having conflict with each other.


Scene 1

A and B is chilling at a coffee shop or somewhere

B is on her phone scrolling through facebook…she found C randomly and playfully show it to A

A would jokingly say random stuff about it


Later that night, B adds friend request to C

C accepted, and they start chatting (B starts first)


A few weeks later, C asked B out

Later, B introduced C to A

Now, A knows C

A and B sat down in a coffee and start ordering drinks

A: Can I have cappuccino, please

B: I’ll have latte


A: Oh my god, I couldn’t understand today’s lesson at all

B: Yeah me too, I mean like how much of those we’ll be using in real life ugh

A: But still, stay in school

B: yeah I know, I know madam


The waiter: Here are your drinks, miss!


A, B: Thank you

They don’t talk for a moment, busy scrolling through their phones

Something caught a surprise in B while scrolling through Facebook

B: Oh my god, look! Look at this guy..!

A: Jesus, this is so you…yeah I mean he’s kinda hot

B: I know right!!!

A: Hey, by the way, you want to come over to my home on Friday? I’m cooking a big meal and we can review our lessons for Monday’s test.

B: Sounds good, be there!

A few moments later

A: Alright, I think we gotta go home, it’s getting dark

B: ok ok



B adds friend request to C

C instantly accepts

Later on that night, they keep texting and texting and texting…

*the chatting*

B: Hi

C: Hi 🙂

B: How are you?

C: I’m good, and you?

B: Pretty good, thanks

C: Do you go to Royal University?

B: Um no, a different one

C: Oh so, we’re not in the same neighborhood

C: Should we meet up?

B: I guess so when will work for you?

C: This week’s Friday? I’ll wait for you at the central park

B: Sure, see ya

C: Alright 😉


Scene 2

C is waiting for B at the park

C: Oh hey hi

B: Hello

C: So, where do you want to go?

B: I don’t know, up to you

C: Ok, how about that restaurant right by that corner?

B: Alright, let’s go


They walk toward the restaurant, find a seat, and start ordering

B: You been here right?

C: Yes, many times with my friends

B: So, I guess you should order the food, I have no preference

C: Nice, alright

Food then arrived

They then start having some conversation

C: So, which school do you go to?

B: Phnom Penh university

C: Umm that school

C: So, are you a single child?

B: I have a little sister

C: Any best friends?

B: Yeah I have one, Her name is A, she’s really nice

C: How long have you know her?

B: I don’t know like forever…

B: I can introduce you to her soon

C: ok cool, how’s the food

B: oh yeah fantastic

C: You know we can go out more often

B: yeah of course

Some laughter then the eating scene ends

Light off, B would walk across the stage holding phone chatting with C

Lights off, B and C hug each other

Lights off, then B and C are sitting to each other talking

While they were talking:


B starts to get more and more obsessed with C

A’s mom dies, B did not go to A’s mom funeral and is not there to comfort her

B starts skipping school…losing touch with A


Scene 3

A runs into C doing his drug dealing

A is walking quietly to get closer, she drops her phone, and C noticed

C abruptly comes toward A and C ask what are you doing here?

Then he says a few threatening sentences

Then C pulls out a knife and threatens A

A then leaves in shook and can’t get it off her mind and keep thinking about B

A is worried about B involving C problem


Scene 4

A wants to confront B what she has seen but B is mad at A

B and A friendship start to separate more and more as B is obsessed with C


Scene 5

A and B have this hard talk with each other

Over time, B starts to know the erratic behavior of C and knows the secret

B talk to C and said that we should break up because it seems like that it will work for us

C doesn’t care about all of this and continue to live his happy life

B Start regretting  to what she has done wrong because she doesn’t listen to what A has told her

Scene 6

B comes back to A for the misunderstanding

A genuinely accept her and that’s the end

C finally arrested and end up in jail for many years

Online Learning

For this round, I started to find online courses to extend my skill in Media. I’ve checked out many online courses but most of them are not free but one of them that I know of that is free is Coursera. I’ve written a financial aid letter to them asking for a free course in Photography and finally, I get to learn for free.  The course will last for 4 weeks and it about 4-5 hour per week. This is really exciting because it my first time taking online courses and also to learn about photography.


Liger Edge

One of the coolest explorations that I will do this year is the Liger Edge and it our school newspaper website. For the first round, we start to build the website and divide the job also start writing some article. For me, the role in this exploration is Editor of worth a thousand words picture, web designer and the head of the sports category.  Also, I am the photographer for this exploration and the reason I join this exploration because I want to extend my skill in writing also in Photography. 


An Unusual and Exhausted Soccer Game

On the 9th of September Liger’s boy’s football team took on a game with a provincial team, Kandal U-17. This team is the representative for the province, and has attended the national game and many other national competitions. The match started at 8:00 am and they won with the score of  4 to 2.


The starting eleven players for our team were Menghuoth as the goalkeeper, Puthea, Seyha, Samnang, Somphors as the defenders, Rathanak, Panharith as the two midfielders and Vitou, Ketya, Davith, Lux, the four forwards. Even though our team lost,  we were satisfied with the score because we had only 13 players. Some of the players were injured and for some players, it was their first debut for the team. Right at the start of the game, our player Ketya scored a marvelous goal which was his first goal for the season and for the team. That goal was scored with an amazing pass from our midfielder Panharith. Unfortunately as the game goes on our formation started to break apart because everyone was tired. Also, Panharith received a red card during the second half. As the second half began, our defender didn’t do that well and we conceded four goals which was the reason we lost. As the game came to an end, Vitou, with the remarkable cross from Rathanak, scored a last second goal of the game.  

Our team could have done a lot better during the game if we were to have a lot more players and training regularly with our coach. Also, our team had never played that early and it is hard for our players to adapt, the other things are that our players needs to show more effort in playing and understand more about each other more during the game.




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យើងត្រូវបានចាញ់ ៤ទល់២ ។


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មានវិទូ កិត្យា ដាវីត និងលុច។ ទោះបីជាក្រុមរបស់យើងមិ នបានទទួលបាននូវជ័យជំនះក៏ដោយ យើងបានទទួលពិន្ទុច្រើនដោយព្រោះតែនៅពេលនោះ ក្រុមរបស់យើងមានអ្នកលេងត្រឹមតែ១៣នាក់

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ដោយខ្សែបម្រើដ៏អស្ចារ្យម្នាក់ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា បញ្ញារិទ្ធិ ។ គាត់បានសម្លឹងឃើញកិត្យា

គ្មានខ្សែការពារមករារាំង បញ្ញារិទ្ធិ ក៏បានប៉ាស់បាល់យ៉ាងស្អាតទៅកិត្យា។


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ថែមទៀត ដែលធ្វើឲ្យយើងកាន់តែពិបាក ។ ខណៈពេលដែលតង់ទី២បានចាប់ផ្តើម ខ្សែការពារ

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មួយទៀតដែលជាគ្រាប់ចុងក្រោយនៃការប្រកួត ហើយគ្រាប់បាល់នោះត្រូវបានស៊ុតបញ្ចូលដោយ វិទូ ដែលកើតឡើងដោយការប៉ាស់ពី កីឡាករ រតនៈ។

សម្រាប់ការប្រកួតមួយនេះ កីឡាករបស់យើងបានធ្វើយ៉ាងល្អបំផុតហើយ បើទោះបីជាយើងមិនបាន

ទទួលការបណ្ដុះបណ្ដាលទៀងទាត់អំពីគ្រូបង្វឹកក៏ដោយចុះ។ មួយថ្ងៃមុនការប្រកួត កីឡាកររបស់



Mekong Cup Event

For this round, I’ve been an event called the Mekong which a frisbee tournament and it will happen in Cambodia for this year. The Mekong Cup, In the help of developing youth and the sport that call Ultimate Frisbee. This event will be held on 20,21 of October 2018 in Phnom Penh. In our team, we divide our jobs and like on financial, prizes and finding hotel for the player that is coming from other countries. It amazing to see what work need to put in to organize an event big event like this especially this is my first time organizing a big like this. I hope to see the event run smoothly on that day also I hope to organize more event like this.

Practicing heart of Algebra

In my math class, we have a task to do which is to complete all of the section in the heart of Algebra and the reason we do that because to get prepare for the SAT. By doing all of the section we will get a grade for our grade book but is mostly to give chance to the student to practice and get ready for the upcoming SAT. Also, the heart of Algebra is a core section for the next topic that we are going to learn and it Algebra 2. By practicing those skill we will be more prepared to learn the next topic and also to studied what in the SAT so that we can be ready for anything that comes up on the test.  




So in the morning, I have one hour of math class and it from 8am to 9 am.  My math grade is 7B and we our class arrive the middle of the book. Now we are learning about trapezoid. The new subject that I have done is not really hard and am doing really good on it. Trapezoid has a different equation than other shape and it kind of interesting. I have done many problems already that not just base on the trapezoid. 


Image result for Dimensions math 7b

Speech and Debate

On August the 14 of 2017, I started my new expertise that calls the speech and debate, an expertise that leads by Cara. In this expertise, I was taught how to make a better speech and a better debate, and I have many chances to practice debating. This expertise lasted 7 weeks and we have done many debates on various topics. This experience teaches me how to be a better debater and a better speech.

White Building exploration

On August the 14 of 2017, I started my new exploration that calls the White Building, and this exploration led by Jeff. In the exploration I learn the history of the building and look at people perspective on the building, also we need to do many projects that connect to the building. This exploration lasted seven weeks, and a team of nine people. For our group, we have accomplished a lot of projects and am mostly a part of most of the project and I have made one video that shows the students perspective on the building also what they learn. This exploration teaches me a lot of things that I should know about development and one of it that development is not always good because everything has pros and cons.


Singing Class

Every Wednesday we have a singing class and we learn how to sing it from Trish and she have teach us a lot of song. We have perform it to our parent and board. Singing is our curriculum and what I like about this class that we get to learn new song and having fun with no stress any more.
