Tourism in Cambodia

Exploration Name: Tourism in Cambodia
Student Proposal Writers: Leap,Samnang H,Puthea,Kanha
Number of Students you want in your Final Exploration: 4
Topic: Tourism in Cambodia
Subject Area
ex: math, tech, science, art, community-building, literacy, history, geography:

Summarize the goals of your exploration.
In this Exploration, we hope that we can…
In this exploration, we hope that we can create a website about ecotourism place in Cambodia.

What do you hope to do and learn?
Some of the big activities that we want to do are…
Some of the topics that we want to learn more about are…
Some of the big activities that we want to do are creating the website.
Some of the topics that we want to learn more about is where are ecotourism place in Cambodia that tourism can visit.

What are some BIG questions that your exploration would answer?
Where are ecotourism place in Cambodia that tourism can visit?
Why don’t people in Cambodia show the place that the tourist can visit?

How would your exploration help to change Cambodia?
Get people thinking about change? How?
Modeling change to others? How?
Advertising change? How?
Making a change? How?
1. Our exploration can help to change Cambodia by bringing more tourism to visit our country and Cambodian people can get more money to help their family. Also they can get a job by being the guide of the tourism. Cambodia people can learn the international language the people all around the world use.

What resources do you need to complete this exploration?
human – support from teachers, experts, facilitators, etc.
technology – computers, video cameras, cameras, tablets, robotics materials, etc.
knowledge – do you need to have a skill that you don’t know how to do yet?
example: how to edit audio; how to make a lesson plan; how to use a software program; how to make professional phone calls; how to network with local businesses
physical – paper, paint, fabric, poster board, wood, etc.

The resources that we need to complete this exploration

Are you planning any off-campus trips?
If yes, why? What is the benefit to your exploration/learning?
How long will it be?
kompong spue – 1 day
Kompong Thom – 2 day
We want to go there because we can interview people at there and ask them a question about ecotourism place.

Do you have a mentor/expert who could help you?

Yes.. but we don’t know who yet

Changing Cambodia 2014-2015

I think that I need to change Cambodia is education, envoriement and economy. My solution is when I get bigger I have a lot of money I will make the school that some place that don’t have the school for the environment I can make a lot of rubbish bin for the economy I will build a lot of factory and building to make the GDP grow a lot. The thing that have been chang cambodia is teaching english to a lot of people and I have been help to put the biodigester in Kompong Speu province. This year that have been change is biodigester community english and soon I will change by writing the book for the Cambodian government schools.